BRIJ Consulting performs the internal analysis and preparations, process customization and reporting enhancements for small to midsize companies who may be without analytical support staff. For the client with a need for costing, pricing analysis or comparative analysis of financial information on a regular basis, our rates are reasonable and work is excellent.

We provide the analytical service tool for our client, without adding an additional cost burden. We collaborate effectively to deliver immediate results in a standardized package or customizable solution. 

The Key: We create the integrated financial, budget, costing, pricing relationship and employ the same metrical design for forecasting and updating quotations.

Referral or Rebate:
Brij Consulting is offering a onetime 1% client referral for new contracts.
For clients who sign for a 6 month contract or more, a 1% rebate is offered.

Visit our secure online services and email us or submit a form. 
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Serving Pittsburgh, PA local area



  • Specialty Accounting and  Analysis to             measure your performance

  • Cost Design Management that integrates            drivers for client business specifications

  • Budgeting with customized data extraction from major financial software applications

  • Enhanced Reporting using customized templates and models that reveal key metrics

  • Integrating Metrics with pricing and business          performance criteria improving your margins

  • Business Friendly relationship with Intuit product  design and affiliates for  secure services online.

BRIJ CONSULTING PROVIDES  Management Consulting,  Accounting and Analysis, Build your business with Cost Design Management  using customized models  that  improve your business  performance by key design integration with metrics that drive your business. Key concepts included consulting analysis business services financial management b2b services brij_consulting  reporting templates financial tools process design budgeting customized templates costing  pricing Accounting Services  Pittsburgh PA  brij consulting business consultants business consulting services business consulting financial consulting financial consultants,financial analysis business financial forecasting business consulting services business consultants business analysis  budgeting consultant accounting services Business Analyst financial consultants cash management cash analysis business finance consulting business consulting business budgeting business accounting budget consultant accounting consultants BRIJ Consulting  Quickbooks Intuit BRIJITONLINE, Financial Analysis Software

copyright Brij Consulting, LLC 2009 all rights reserved
  • For startup businesses we recommend Quickbooks products and Quickbooks Enterprise (for midsize companies) as a very good integrated product that allows the business to grow.   We work with many tools and products but Quickbooks gets a new business off to a running start...
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